5 Tips for Hosting

As a little girl, when friends would come over for dinner it was so. much. fun. Getting to sit around the table with people we loved was a blessing in the least. Laughter around the table, ooh’s and ahh’s about the food, and of course, dessert. Could there be anything more filling than fellowship with good friends? 

However, how many times do we look like the crazy woman yelling “GO-GO-GO!! They’re almost here!” as we swiftly run around the house putting on the finishing touches as we try to make our home look just perfect. As a funny youtube video once said “Our friends can’t think we actually live here!” I’ve been there and I’m still doing that. I think the innate desire to make your home look good are pleasing to the Lord. He delights in us being hosts that care. However, when the motives change from showing thoughtful care to your guests to trying to show them how much you have, that’s where it becomes un-glorifying. 

In my own life, I have a desire to make my home look warm and welcoming mostly because I’m proud of the way it looks and the art of how it came together. Our little 800 square foot apartment isn’t much but its ours, and thats what makes it extremely special to me. This desire is not bad! But with all the pressures of having the perfect home via social media, Pinterest, and the media, we have resorted to giving away our grace in the act of hosting. What I want to encourage you to do today, is use these 5 steps to become better at hosting with grace. Instead of the intense amount of effort it takes to show-off your pristine home, focus on gathering instead. My hope is that this will take some pressure off of you and make you more grace-filled in the process of enjoying good friends around the dinner table.

5 steps to becoming better at gathering with grace:

1. The meal: Don’t try to make the meal the most glamorous and intensive piece of art. And don’t try a recipe you haven’t had before. Usually this ends with tears and something burning. Instead, focus on a tried-and-true recipe that is easy to make or at least familiar to you. This will allow you to have ease in the kitchen before guests arrive and get all your ducks in a row without the meltdowns. My favorite thing to do is a crock-pot meal… big quantities, warm whenever you want it to be, comforting and the aroma makes the entire house smell amazing (no cleaner smell!). I believe it is the best type of stress-free meal for inviting friends in.

2. The House: Cleaning before guests arrive comes from the best heart. I love cleaning in order to make everything look beautiful and well kept. I think cleaning also shows your guests that they are valued and you wanted your house to look good for them. However, when this become overwhelming is when you try to make it too perfect. The process can be a stressful one. So when you’re expecting guests, try to focus on 3 cleaning processes and do them in order. 1. Organize and put things away if they aren’t already 2. Dust/wipe off the counters, 3. Vacuum. There really isn’t anything else you need to do. Mopping is nice but guests usually aren’t looking at the floor and it just adds more stress. Bottom line is: clean but don’t clean too much! 

3. The Welcome: Always greet your guests! They are here to see you and your family, they don’t want to have to wonder into the kitchen to find you. The best way to make them feel welcomed is by going to the front door to greet them. Invite them inside, talk, see how they are, and then ask them what type of beverage they would enjoy. Receiving a drink right off the bat is a nice touch to make them feel comfortable and ready to chat. It also shows hospitality which is essential! 

4. Pray together: Praying together before your meal is a great way to open the evening up to God and thank him for such great friends. The time is an act of vulnerability and can create a connection and fellowship time unlike any other. Whether Christians or non-Christians, it is a great time to witness as well as invite Jesus to create peace among your dinner. 

5. Do something together: Whether it be a fun game, cards, a movie, craft, fun dessert, do something that you can all do together. It is so fun when you can join together in an activity that is simple, fun, and enjoyable. It helps keep everyone having fun and making memories. I like doing a chocolate fondue station or playing 1 round of a fun game. It doesn’t have to take a while, just a little something!

Overall, I hope these tips and simple ideas will help get you more on track when you host your next gathering. It is always important to stay graceful, love well, and enjoy the fellowship with sweet friends. Enjoy! 


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